An Average Day in the Life of Skepolo

>be australian
>pay $600000000 AUD ($0.50 USD) a month for 56kbps internet
>go over data cap while loading a paragraph of text
>no cell phone service in the outback, have to drive the ute into town and renew data plan
>drive for 3 days
>pay $20 a litre for petrol along the way
>drive for 3 more days
>finally get to the ISP offices
>talk to the shelia receptionist
>trip over
>drop pocket knife
>cunt behind me says "you call that a knife?"
>starts laughing and pulls out his own knife
>"this is a knife"
>sheila starts laughing
>everybody in the building starts laughing
>cunts on the sidewalk start laughing
>pick up can of fosters
>walk out the building
>get killed by drop bear